
Motor skills:

  • Bruni, Maryanne, Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide For Parents and Professionals, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2006). This expanded edition provides a comprehensive overview of fine motor development in children with Down syndrome and includes many strategies for helping children master daily living skills.
  • Winders, Patricia C., Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2014). An updated version of Winders’ guide for developing gross motor skills for children from birth to age 6.

Communication Skills:

  • Kumin, Libby, Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, 3rd edition (Woodbine House, 2012). Guide to language development and communication skills from birth through age 6. Includes an expanded section addressing the needs of children with extra challenges.
  • Kumin, Libby and Will Schermerhorn, What Did You Say? A Guide to Speech Intelligibility in People With Down Syndrome (Woodbine House, 2006). In this DVD, Libby Kumin covers issues which affect speech intelligibility in children and adults with Down syndrome and strategies for improving clarity of speech.
  • Schermerhorn, Will, Discovery: Pathways to Better Speech for Children With Down Syndrome (Woodbine House, 2005). This DVD covers milestones and issues in speech development from birth to age 7 and offers practical suggestions for helping children with Down syndrome improve their speech.

Alternative Communication Systems:

  • Signing Time, Signing Time Down Syndrome Daily Support Bundle (Signing Time, 2012). DVD series to help children with Down syndrome learn sign language.
  • Bondy, Andy and Lori Frost, A Picture’s Worth: PECS and Other Visual Communications Strategies in Autism, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2011). An introduction to the Picture Exchange Communication System, which is used by many people with disabilities to communicate basic needs.
  • Buggey, Tom, Seeing is Believing: Video Self-Modeling for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (Woodbine House, 2009). This book provides instructions on shooting and editing video footage to help children with developmental disabilities improve skills through visual modeling of desired behaviors.
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